When it’s time to count down the days until the start of the New Year, kids can print out the next advent calendar. The template is the head of Santa Claus, whose beard is continued by numbers from 31 to 1. The advent calendar fits on three sheets of A4 format, which are ready for printing.

After printing the template, let the child color it, and then place the sheets one below the other.
Download and print advent calendar from 31 to 1
Traditional advent calendars count down the days leading up to a holiday, typically Christmas, from December 1st to December 24th. Having 31 days wouldn’t quite fit this format. However, there are a couple of possibilities for what you might be thinking of.
Reverse Advent Calendar: This is a less common idea, but it flips the traditional concept and could start from December 31st and count down to New Year’s Day. You could fill it with treats or small activities leading up to the new year.